Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weekly Update for 1/26

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful snow!  We have a busy week ahead....

** This is the first week with the new homework. I hope you saw the notice that was sent home on Friday. If not, it is also posted under my Homework Guidelines tab. Please let me know if you have any questions.

This week, we will be focusing on revising/editing the students restaurant reviews. This will be done through the use of checklists, peer conferences, and teacher conferences. Our hope is then to write a final draft of the restaurant reviews.

Our focus is going to be on inferring and visualizing to help the students with their reading comprehension. The goal is to have students combine their background knowledge with clues from the text to make a reasonable inference. We will talk about, draw, and record what they infer and visualize during reading to facilitate their comprehension.

We are going to continue working with place value, focusing on comparing two-three digit numbers using the symbols <, >, =. Secondly, we will be using arrays to decide if a number is even or odd and to help us find the sum of repeated addition equations.

Social Studies
We enjoyed our imaginary plane ride last week and are currently in North America and focusing on Mexico! Be sure you ask your child what they have learned about the culture of Mexico and how it compares and contrasts with the United States.

On Thursday we will have an an assembly to kick off our next compassion project which is "Books for a Brighter Future." This used book collection will benefit children in the Bahamas where there is a need for literacy materials. The drive will run for 2 weeks from February 2nd-13th. Any book donations would be greatly appreciated!

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