Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Update for 3/30

Thank you to Mrs. Williams for covering our class on Friday morning so I could attend Ms.  Pauline's funeral. It was very thoughtful of you!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I am looking forward to starting a new month later this week. Let's hope April finally brings us the spring weather we've been hoping for!

Here are some highlights for the week ahead...

Social Studies- Our "travels" will bring us to the awesome continent of Antarctica. We'll discuss why so few people inhabit this continent, and of course we we'll learn all about penguins! We will also begin a discussion about our ancestors this week as we prepare to study and write about a country of our origin.

Writing- we have just about completed our poetry unit, so we will be compiling our poems into a small book. Your child will bring the books home to share with you, and we know you will be impressed with your second grade poet. Some of our writing time will also be devoted to preparing for our next unit, informational (ancestor) writing.

Math- This will be our final week of measurement. Our focus will be on finding the area of rectangular figures by partitioning and counting square centimeters or square inches. The students will also do a lesson on identifying appropriate units/tools used to make measurements. Finally, the end of the week will be spent on telling time and focusing on am/pm and elapsed time.

Guided Reading- This week we will go back to reading fictional books and our focus will be on character traits. The students will learn to describe a character using a character trait and then provide evidence from the text to support their thinking.

*** Please note that Friday will be an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:20.

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